Friday 6 August 2010

1st August - Operation Fix ankles.

Despite Morphine, Cocodamol and god knows what else on Saturday night / Sunday  morning I woke on Sunday morning to this sight.

This photo has been posted on Talk Photography and Golfmagic, and I would like to clarify once and for all, that on my right thigh is plaster from the casts - nothing else - no light relief from hotty nurses.

About 9.30am Consultants and Anaesthetists came to visit - explained what they would have to do........

Left leg: Dislocated ankle would need to be reset with screws and pins. Left fibula would need to be plated and pinned.

Right leg: Dislocated ankle would need to be reset with screws and pins. Right fibula may need to be plated and pinned, but they were hoping the fracture wasn't that serious. We'd only know that once down in theatre......

So off we trundle to theatre, and in the pre theatre room, remember being told what would happen, and then a needle in my arm, waking up a few hours later in recovery feeling very ver groggy - absolutely no recollection of anything - which can only be a good thing!

Parent's and Sharon came to visit that evening but don't really remember much of it,  Morphine, Cocodamol and a pair of earplugs were my friends for the night........

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