Well sort of............
Sorry haven't posted much of late - but same old stuff each and every day really - the odd trip out on a Wednesday - around the Golf Course (as a passenger on a buggy!) , the odd trip out on a Saturday to get abuse from Crawford the Butcher....... aka... The Ginger Butcher........... with an odd sense of humour....... ;-) (suits me!)
... and of course, me being a right royal pain in the arse / model patient...........at all times!!!!!!
Today was back for the 6-7 week checkup and casts off. Unfortunately (for me) the trainee plaster room guy had the job today and managed to gouge half my leg away (well ok, a small nick or two)...."It's just the vibrations......." "No it sodding isn't" and
well......... I have my legs back.........
A little bit thinner than they were a couple of months ago...."chicken legs" ..... and it feels so weird at the moment - to be able to move them / touch them do anything with them.........
A nice feeling but odd.
Sharon was a complete star again today and spent ages at the hospital, and then chauffering and then cleaning lots of dead skin off - not a pleasant job.... maybe i need a visit to these guys...... would be well worth £20 or so!
The weridest feeling though was putting my feet into a bowl of warm soapy water - after, well, best part of 7 weeks in hospital / casts......
<---- My lovely left leg before Operation clean up!
So still non weight bearing though "LanFranco's" slightly more diminutive brother was not overly worried...... "but ees no problemo, the legs now can be the sames as when you had the casts, yes?"
Next week off back to the James Paget for "Operation Screwfix" - which is a local anaesthetic and then removal of the 3 screws / pins from the ankles (1 from left, 2 from right) unless in the meantime I get a bit over excited and do a DIY job with a stanley knife and a phillps shorthead screwdriver.............
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